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February 24, 2025

Making Connections at This Critical Time for our Sector

In recent weeks, we have seen how the barrage of policy activity seeks to change how we fund, operate, and advocate for our vital social impact sector. In collaboration, our communities can both preserve essential practices and replace harmful ones. As Grace Lee Boggs wrote, “movements are born of critical connections rather than critical mass.” With that spirit of partnership and solidarity, we are sharing both gratitude and fortitude for the daily work you do. 
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January 14, 2025

CWIP January 2025 Newsletter

Read the CWIP January 2025 Newsletter
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December 11, 2024

It Is Brave to Be Involved

Our CWIP community of women and non-binary people give of ourselves—our labor, our resources, our care, and our leadership—to propel the communities and nonprofit, philanthropic, and corporate-giving enterprises we serve.
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November 22, 2024

This Giving Tuesday, What’s Our Current State?

In looking at how Chicago Women in Philanthropy (CWIP) would mark Giving Tuesday this year, we kept coming back to looking at our current state, i.e., where Chicago, women, and philanthropy meet. We looked at the numbers, the gaps, and the stories they each tell about the significant opportunities and impact that come when we invest in organizations led by and/or serving women, girls, and non-binary people. The data could fill libraries, but as we are all busy with our good work, let’s review a few key highlights. 
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October 22, 2024

Meet CWIP’s Programs & Capacity Building Committee

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June 24, 2024

CWIP June 2024 Newsletter

Read the CWIP June 2024 Newsletter
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April 23, 2024

2024 Making a Difference Annual Luncheon: Spotlight on The Illinois Black Advocacy Initiative

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December 21, 2023

CWIP December 2023 Newsletter

Read the CWIP December 2023 Newsletter
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August 7, 2023

CWIP August 2023 Newsletter

Read the CWIP August 2023 Newsletter
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May 17, 2023

Getting to Know Our Members - Iris Krieg

An Interview with Iris Krieg by Katherine Dreher Chicago Women in Philanthropy (CWIP) is a community of philanthropic, corporate-giving, and nonprofit women. Our members are passionate about helping other women advance in society. Meet CWIP's founder, Iris Krieg.
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January 20, 2023

CWIP January 2023 Newsletter

Read the CWIP January 2023 Newsletter
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July 21, 2022

A Message to the CWIP Community

Dear CWIP Members and Friends,Chicago Women in Philanthropy (CWIP) was founded in 1981 with a vision to create an equitable, inclusive, and connected social sector. Our mission was and continues to be to build an inclusive community that educates and empowers Chicagoland women to grow personally and professionally and to advocate boldly for themselves and their communities. Our members are passionate about helping other women advance in society, and we believe this includes an undeniable right to make decisions for themselves.
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September 1, 2021

CWIP 2021 Annual Meeting: Empowering and Inspiring Women to be Change Agents in their Organizations and Communities

How do you sum up a year? Especially one like 2020 part two (aka 2021). If you’re CWIP co-chair Jacki Davidoff who led the CWIP 2021 Annual Meeting on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, you would say that despite the challenges we all faced, we met them head-on and together with our CWIP community. In the past year, our CWIP committees connected us to each other and our communities, all while strengthening our organizations, our city, and ourselves with a collective resolve to enact change. Highlights from CWIP’s past year included a strong focus on women and girls of color, elevating diverse voices in philanthropy and community work, and moving racial equity forward in our sector.
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event recaps & recordings
August 10, 2021

Event Recap: August 6th Share – Making Meaningful Connections Through Mentorship

Today's Friday Share was hosted by the CWIP Committee WLMP, Women’s Leadership Mentoring Program. Currently, the Committee has about 40 women in the program either as a mentor or as a mentee.Discussing the Mentor-Mentee relationship was broken into three sections. The first section allowed younger professionals the opportunity to apprise the attendees what they are looking for in a mentoring program. The main goals the potential mentees were striving to gain included the following:
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event recaps & recordings
July 30, 2021

Event Recap: CWIP & Chicago Foundation for Women Event “Making Change”

The reality is that philanthropy was not created for women and girls of color. But the current moment we are in provides an opportunity for us to rethink, change, and adapt to a model of philanthropy that is more inclusive and supportive. The question is—how do we do this?
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event recaps & recordings
June 30, 2021

Recap: Members' Only BeMoved Virtual Class

Of all the Zoom events we've participated in the last year, last Thursday's Virtual BeMoved class was one of the best. Hosted by the CWIP Membership Committee, this session was a fantastic way to share a fun experience with CWIP peers and break a sweat!
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event recaps & recordings
June 16, 2021

“Positioning Yourself for Success: An Insider’s View,” the CWIP March Friday Share

On Friday, March 5, 2021, CWIP hosted a sold-out virtual event with three women at the forefront of career and leadership development in Chicago nonprofits. Hosted by Carolyn Nopar, Communications Committee Chair and past CWIP Board Co-Chair and the CWIP Membership Committee, the panel included Marian DeBerry, Senior Counsel Executive Search at Campbell & Company, Marissa (Martin) Delgado, Managing Director of Koya Partners, and Kara Kennedy, Executive Director of Lumity (
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event recaps & recordings
June 16, 2021

Recap of April Friday Share, "Raising Expectations of Yourself as a Leader"

What if we as women learn to turn off our inner critic? And what if that shift in thinking—to lead with values traditionally deemed "feminine"— has the potential to change everything from the way we carry ourselves at work to the same way our society functions?
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event recaps & recordings
June 9, 2021

CWIP 2021 Board Nominations

Chicago Women in Philanthropy is seeking nominations for its Board of Directors to serve a three-year term, starting in September 2021. Any active CWIP members may self-nominate or nominate another CWIP member. We are seeking a diverse pool of candidates who have the capacity and willingness to play an active role on CWIP’s committees or task forces, either by co-chairing a committee or playing an active role in committee or board leadership.
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May 21, 2021

Get to Know Dr. Ngozi Ezike, 2021 Making a Difference Honoree

While most of us have rarely known the names of past state public health directors, Dr. Ngozi Ezike has become a household name that Illinoians have come to rely on. While the COVID-19 pandemic is of course part of the reason we all know Dr. Ezike’s name, it has been her steadfast leadership, calm demeanor, and ability to explain complicated and quickly-changing concepts with professionalism and compassion that has inspired and captivated many of us.
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May 19, 2021

Recap: GIRLS Committee Bronzeville Walking Tour Volunteer Event

On May 14th, CWIP Women and twelve students from Holy Family Ministry School headed out on a walking tour through the South Side of Chicago based on the self-guided tour outlined in the book Lifting as They Climb.
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event recaps & recordings
May 14, 2021

“Do Well While Doing Good,” the CWIP May Friday Share

On Friday, May 7th, 2021, CWIP members and presenters Savannah Boren and Sarah McCarron hosted a well attended virtual morning event to discuss and share sustainability investment practices employed at their workplace JP Morgan Chase. They offered insights and busted some common myths about sustainable investing for both private and not for profit sectors.
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event recaps & recordings
February 23, 2021

Recap: Virtual Career Expo

During the first ever CWIP Virtual Career Expo hosted by the GIRLS committee on February 15, you could truly feel the warmth despite winter storms and bitter cold thanks to the passion of the professional women and enthusiasm of the girls.12 professional women participated in the Virtual Career Expo representing a diverse range of careers including entrepreneurs, legal professionals, a lobbyist, a pediatrician, a visual artist, a make-up artist, a news anchor, and a yoga instructor.
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event recaps & recordings
February 18, 2021

Recap: February Friday Share "Prioritizing Ourselves and Each Other: Let’s Find the Time"

On a frigid, bright Friday morning last week, 60 members and friends of CWIP gathered virtually to take time for themselves. The second in the Friday Share series, which began earlier this year, was focused on “Prioritizing Ourselves” and came out of member survey results highlighting the need for self-care during the pandemic.
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event recaps & recordings
February 3, 2021

Goodbye 2020—Welcome 2021!

Goodbye 2020—Welcome 2021! That was the New Year’s Eve I message sent to everyone. I always look forward to the New Year, but this was especially true of 2021. 2020 was challenging for me as I’m sure it was for many of you, and I was happy to see it end. However, despite all its challenges, the year 2020 opened the door to a new opportunity for me.
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October 9, 2020

"Women Driving Change: Navigating a New Era in Education & Equity" Virtual Annual Meeting

CWIP's virtual Annual Meeting, hosted October 8th, 2020 at 8:30 AM. Click here to watch this recording directly on YouTube.Featuring Keynote Speaker & 2020 Making a Difference Honoree, Barbara Bowman, Co-Founder of the Erikson Institute, and Honorary Event Chair, Joan Harris, Past President and Chair of the Irving Harris Foundation.
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event recaps & recordings
October 7, 2020

3 Things I Learned About Myself and the World in 2020

Angry. Scared. Disbelief. These are just a few of the rollercoaster of emotions I have been living with over the past six months. Like many others, I have been shuttered in my home since mid-March watching way too much news, stress eating, and confused about what is happening in the world.
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June 4, 2020

A Message to the CWIP Community

Dear CWIP Members and Friends,For many of us, it is difficult to make sense of the world right now. Just as we were potentially turning the corner and cautiously reopening after months of quarantine due to COVID-19, we were once again confronted by the wrongful death of an unarmed Black man at the hands of law enforcement.
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February 28, 2020

Recap: Inaugural GIRLS Committee Bronzeville Walking Tour Volunteer Event

On Monday, February 17th, Chicago Commons hosted 25 CWIP members and 6th grade girls from Holy Family Ministry School for the Lifting As They Climbed walking tour of the Bronzeville community.
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September 3, 2019

Recap: 2019 Annual Meeting

CWIP members converged for breakfast and networking during the group’s annual meeting at Maggiano’s in August. CWIP Co-chair Carolyn Nopar welcomed the group and offered a recap of the year in review. She also introduced the 2019-2020 board slate. The slate was accepted unanimously.
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May 10, 2019

An Interview with Candice Payne - CWIP Blog

In April, on a beautiful spring afternoon, I had the opportunity to speak over the phone with Candice Payne. Many of you will know her as the woman who paid for hotel rooms for homeless individuals in Chicago during the Polar Vortex earlier this year.
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January 31, 2019

CWIP 2019 Board Nominations

Chicago Women in Philanthropy is seeking nominations for its Board of Directors to serve a three-year term from September 2019- August 2022. Any active CWIP members may self-nominate or nominate another CWIP member. We are seeking a diverse pool of candidates who have the capacity and willingness to play an active role on CWIP’s committees or task forces, either by co-chairing a committee or playing an active role in committee or board leadership.
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September 6, 2018

2018 Annual Meeting Photos

We had a blast at our Annual Meeting & Awards Ceremony and the photos show it! Check out the photo album on our Facebook.
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June 20, 2018

CWIP May 2018 Newsletter

Read the CWIP May 2018 Newsletter
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June 1, 2018

CWIP February 2018 Newsletter

Read the February 2018 Newsletter
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June 1, 2018

CWIP 2018 Board Nominations

Chicago Women in Philanthropy is seeking nominations for its Board of Directors to serve a three-year term from September 2017- August 2020. Any active CWIP members may self-nominate or nominate another CWIP member. We are seeking a diverse pool of candidates who have the capacity and willingness to play an active role on CWIP’s committees or task forces, either by co-chairing a committee or playing an active role in committee or board leadership.
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April 24, 2018

A Woman Among Many In Non-Profits

"Before transitioning into a career as a consultant, I spent almost 15 years working in mostly mid-size social service agencies in Detroit, New York and Chicago. In all that time, I had a male boss for approximately four months. I worked for women at all levels – my boss’ boss and probably even higher than that when I first started out. My counterparts on senior leadership teams were overwhelmingly female and the majority of the staff I managed throughout the years were women.
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April 24, 2018

Comcast's CWIP Annual Luncheon Coverage

Check out this inspiring video that Comcast put together for our Annual Luncheon honoring Grace Hou of Woods Fund Chicago!
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January 29, 2018

Getting to Know our Members | Carolyn Nopar

Despite beginning her career in the corporate sector, Carolyn Nopar found her true calling in philanthropy when she reentered the workforce after taking some time off with her children. Now a veteran in the field, Carolyn has a broad range of expertise and demonstrated success at Habitat for Humanity, Enterprising Kitchen, Family Focus, YWCA Metro Chicago, and Skills for Chicagoland’s Future (Skills). Carolyn has also spent the last five years with Chicago Women in Philanthropy (CWIP) and was just recently elected Board Co-Chair.
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January 29, 2018

Reflecting on Straight Talk: CWIP’s First Event of 2018 Continues Conversation Around Justice and Equity in Philanthropy

On Friday, January 26, more than 100 representatives of the nonprofit, corporate and foundation communities gathered at the Women’s Athletic Club for “Straight Talk: Unpacking the Power Dynamic between Grantseekers and Grantmakers.”
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December 21, 2017

Happy Holidays from CWIP!

Happy Holidays from CWIP! We know that many of our followers do their best to give back during the Holiday season, so we thought we’d let our board share their favorite ways to give back during this busy season.
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December 12, 2017

Happy Holidays from CWIP!

Happy Holidays from CWIP! We know that many of our followers are buying lots of gifts for the girls and young women in their lives, so CWIP’s Board of Directors and Committees decided to get in on the fun & share their favorite holiday gift ideas for the girls in their lives!
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November 10, 2017

CWIP October 2017 Newsletter

Read the CWIP October 2017 Newsletter
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October 2, 2017

Getting to Know Our Members | Rachael Marusarz

Rachael Marusarz vividly remembers her first Chicago Women in Philanthropy (CWIP) event nine years ago, when she was a relatively introverted development officer at the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. She enjoyed the event and learned a great deal from the speakers, but the most meaningful moment was when a program officer from a local foundation told her, “I’ll take off my funder hat, you take off your grantee hat, and we’ll just be two women here to support one another.” It was that atmosphere of support that propelled her involvement with CWIP.
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September 28, 2017

Tips From a Mentor | Christy Uchida

Recently, Communications Committee members Katherine Dreher and Amber Crossen sat down with CWIP WLMP Mentor and longtime CWIP member, Christy Uchida, Senior Program Officer at The Brinson Foundation, to discuss the role of mentorship in Christy’s professional development and how the CWIP community has helped her build deeper and stronger connections to fellow women in philanthropy.
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September 13, 2017

Looking Back, Looking Ahead: 2017 CWIP Annual Meeting Report

“This has been a tremendously exciting and productive time for CWIP, stepping up for women and girls during these times of change and uncertainty,” outgoing board co-chair Maricar Ramos told attendees at the CWIP Annual Meeting in August.
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July 20, 2017

CWIP Courage Centered Dialoge Series

Educator, writer, and facilitator Stacey Gibson urges listeners to practice the difficult emotional work of addressing how race impacts our lives and to commit to being anti-racist. Gibson spoke at the first of CWIP’s series of Courage-Centered Dialogues in mid-June.
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June 29, 2017

CWIP February 2017 Newsletter

Read the CWIP February 2017 Newsletter
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June 29, 2017

Annual Luncheon 2017 - Speech from Lindrea Reynolds

Thank you again to Lindrea Reynolds for speaking on behalf of CWIP's WLMP program at this year's CWIP Annual Luncheon. Below is a copy of her speech for you to reread and be inspired by.
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May 23, 2017

Event Recap - Face to Face with Funders

Face to Face with Funders provided over 40 community organizations the unique opportunity to engage one-on-one with one of 20 local grantmakers and receive feedback on a grant proposal. From arts programs to workforce development and everything in between, pairs of funders and grantees filled the room with conversations about how to craft and present strong grant applications.
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May 12, 2017

CWIP 2017 Board Nominations

Chicago Women in Philanthropy is seeking nominations for its Board of Directors to serve a three-year term from September 2017- August 2019. Any active CWIP members may self-nominate or nominate another CWIP member. We are seeking a diverse pool of candidates who have the capacity and willingness to play an active role on CWIP’s committees or task forces, either by co-chairing a committee or playing an active role in committee or board leadership.
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You’re invited to be part of a dynamic and compassionate community of women who are dedicated to making a meaningful impact in our world. As a member, you'll be joining forces with a diverse group of philanthropists, corporate leaders, and nonprofit professionals who share your passion for advancing women's roles and opportunities in society. We believe in the power of education, empowerment, and advocacy, and together, we advocate boldly for ourselves and our communities. Join CWIP today and be part of an inclusive sisterhood committed to positive change, where your voice matters and your impact is boundless.