Chicago Women in Philanthropy is seeking nominations for its Board of Directors to serve a three-year term from September 2017- August 2020. Any active CWIP members may self-nominate or nominate another CWIP member. We are seeking a diverse pool of candidates who have the capacity and willingness to play an active role on CWIP’s committees or task forces, either by co-chairing a committee or playing an active role in committee or board leadership.
CWIP’s mission to educate and encourage philanthropy by facilitating dialogue and uncommon connections that positively impact the lives of women and girls. We are a volunteer-driven organization, so board members play an especially vital role in the organization’s leadership. There are many benefits to serving on CWIP’s Board, including increased visibility in the philanthropic community; ample opportunities for professional development; opportunities to network with Chicago's philanthropic and nonprofit leaders; and most importantly, the chance to give back and support women and girls.
The deadline for applications is Friday, March 30. Please submit applications to, and refer any questions here.
Before applying, please review the nomination form attached to this blog. In summary, all newly elected board members will be expected to:
• Attendance at quarterly Board meetings
• Co-chairing one of CWIP’s committees if needed or serving on a committee if co-chair positions are full.
• An annual financial contribution of at least $150 paid by August 1st.
• Attending at least four CWIP events and programs during the year, representing the CWIP Board.
• Supporting the Annual Luncheon.
To be eligible:
• Must be CWIP member in good standing
• Be willing to serve a three-year term
• Represent a foundation, corporate giving program, non-profit organization, or an individual committed to the advancement of women and girls.
Further details are provided in the application.
Thank you so much for your involvement in CWIP and commitment to women and girls in Chicago. We are delighted to have you as part of our membership and look forward to seeing you in the months to come.